
: info : info




I was born in Livorno, where I currently live. I’ve spent years staying in Vallemaio (IT), Florence (IT), Diego Suarez (MG), New York City( US), Barcellona (ES), Berlin (DE), Maremma (IT), Prato (IT), Parco delle Foreste Casentinesi (IT), Elba Island (IT) and Prato (IT). I obtained a degree in Literature and Philosophy at University of Florence.


The fields of research and application of my practice are mainly the convivium – understood as a device for the creation of relationships around the preparation and consumption of food in a given space-time – a given ecosystem – where every element, human and non-human, has a relational role in the fulfillment of a certain atmosphere and  a process where speculative tracking practices are carried out iteratively with empathy. My experiences as an independent cook and my long- period staying in rural and mountain areas has been shaping methods, spaces and times of my practice. I have had the chance to listen to and observe the surroundings with a widespread concentration, aimed at constantly renegotiating my identity with that of the place, of the other, of otherness. 

I am currently part of the artists’ collective who conceived the CUICUOCUA, which I co-funded.


__solo and group exhibitions including:

EX3 Center for Contemporary Art, Firenze. Luigi Pecci Contemporary Art Center, Prato. Villa Romana, Firenze. Carico Massimo, Livorno. Fabbrica del Vapore, Milano. Deutsche Bank KunstHalle, Berlino. C.A.C.C.A. Center for Contemporary Art Food Culture, Bologna. Corte 17, Prato. Chiostro in Azione, UniFi. Exhibitalia, Art Basel, Miami. ChorAsis lo spazio della visione, Prato. Istituto Italiano di Cultura Città del Messico. Video Sound Art Festival.

__performance and lecture including:

Il verme e il ragno, Chorasis lo spazio della visione, curate by Matteo Binci, Villa Rospigliosi Prato, 2024.

Pop-Pop, performance, Spazio Art and People, San Sepolcro (AR), 2024.

Masala wine, convivium performance, Video Sound Art Festival, Brescia, 2023.

cuicuocua tour #19, The Others Art Fair, 2023.

cuicuocua tour #17, THEGAME gallery, Livorno, 2023.

Mele chiodate, installazione, performance, convivio, curated by Trascendanza, Archeologia Arborea, Città di Castello PG, 2023.

Forma de vida, convivium performance, curate by Matteo Binci, Istituto Italiano di Cultura Città del Messico, 2022.

La macchina dei forni, convivium performance, Villa Lais, Viterbo, 2022.

cuicuocua tour #11, Tab Zine, 2022.

cuicuocua tour #10, Miracolo a Livorno, 2022.

cuicuocua tour #9, Premio Rotonda, Livorno, 2022.

cuicuocua tour #8, Tafuzzi Festival, Riccione, 2022.

Salve! Convivium performance, Traffic Festival, curate by Matteo Binci, (PU), 2022.

Vacuum. Non mortificarti. Appendice d’artista #10, convivium, atmosphere. Villa Romana Firenze 2022.

cuicuocua tour #7, Traffic Festival, PU, 2022.

cuicuocua tour #4, Open Studios, Villa Romana Firenze, 2022.

cuicuocua tour #6, spazio abusivo, Livorno, 2022.

cuicuocua tour #5, 70 mq, Livorno, 2022.

cuicuocua tour #3, Merce Marcia, Livorno, 2021.

cuicuocua tour #2, Accademia Belle Arti, Manifattura Tabacchi, Firenze, 2021.

cuicuocua tour #1, Moo_26, Prato,2021.

#thanksforsmelling, performance, Balon border, Torino, 2021.

If It’s For The People, It Needs To Be Beautiful, She Said, dance performance with and for Jeremiah Day, Villa Romana Firenze, 2021.

cooking a place, On Air, convivium performance, curate by Massimo Ricciardo, Montenero (LI), 2019.

Ventre e fuoco. Convivium performance, curate by Matteo Binci, Traffic Festival, PU, 2019

cooking a place, On Air, convivium performance, curate by Massimo Ricciardo, Casentino (AR), 2019.

There are several different houses, dance performance with and for Jeremiah Day, PARC performance art research centre, Firenze, 2021.

Detrito, lecture performance, “Arte e design. Al confine tra opera e oggetto”, curated by Francesca Tosi and Giacomo Bazzani, Designe Campus Firenze, 2019.

Focolaio, lecture performance with Andrea Calzolari, Villa Romana, Firenze, 2019. Gli assi cartesiani il fuoco, Appendice d’artista #9, convivium performance (in dialogue with work of Uriel Orlow), Villa Romana Firenze, 2019.

L’anima dell’umanità, Appendice d’artista #8, convivium performance, (in dialogue with work of Massimo Ricciardo) Encounters: Handling placing and looking at photographs in relation to migration, project by Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz in collaboration with Villa Romana, Firenze, 2017.

Ricavato, convivium performance, curated by Tommaso Evangelista, Sponzart, Calitri (AV), 2017.

Pervaso, Appendice d’artista #7, convivium performance, (in dialogue with work of Yann Monel), Villa Romana, Firenze, 2016.

Hope, pubblic performance, on path border Grimaldi (It) and Mentòn (Fr), 2015. Clandestino, performance, Ventimiglia – Menton, 2015.

Madre coraggio degli innocenti, Appendice d’artista #6, convivium performance, (in dialogue with work of Gulsun Karamustafa), Villa Romana, Firenze, 2014.

What have you done concretely for your freedom?, Appendice d’artista #5, convivium performance, (in dialogue with work of Juan Pablo Macias), Villa Romana, Firenze, 2014.

In odor di brigantaggio, convivium performance, curated by Federico Bacci and Lucia Giardino, Guilmi Art Project (GAP), Guilmi (CH), 2014.

Paesaggio geotermico, “Appendice d’artista” #4, convivium performance, (in dialogue with work of Mikhail Karikis), Villa Romana, Firenze, 2014.

Still life vs. natura morta, Appendice d’artista #3, convivium performance, (in dialogue with work of Martino Chiti), Villa Romana, Firenze, 2012.

Appendice d’Artista, #2, convivium performance (in dialogue with work of Aglaia Konrad, Willem Oorebeek), Villa Romana, Firenze, 2012.

Appendice d’Artista, Appendice d’artista #1, convivium performance (in dialogue with work of Ketty La Rocca), Villa Romana, Firenze, 2012.

__film festivals and pubblications including:

Kinotavr, Sochi; Fabbrica Europa, Firenze; Mahalla Biennial Festival of Istanbul; Aquila Film Festival; Lucania Film Festival; Queer Festival, Firenze; censure, Istituto Stensen, Firenze; Cyborg Festival, Anghiari (Ar); Siracusa Film Festival; VideoPuntoZero, Torino; Videoart Yearbook, Bologna, Frequenze esibite, Isernia; Corti in Libreria, Edizioni Mir; MUV music and digital art festival; GRAVITY FOR ALL,

_art residences including:

Traffic Festival delle anime gentili, S. Lorenzo in Campo (PU). Sponz festival, Calitri (AV). Guilmi Art Project,(CH). Cantiere Toscana, @ la Casa di Gello Agrabah, Pistoia. Contro Caretta della Speranza, Pantelleria (TP). Archeologia Arborea, Città di Castello PG. Istituto Italiano di Cultura Città del Messico.